My 6 Plant-based All Stars that you should follow


Excuse me if I’m a little captivated by my hotlist of 6 plant-based all-stars who have broken barriers in the whole foods world.

Their mouth-watering recipes and willingness to champion a healthy, sustainable lifestyle will give you plenty of motivation to stay on our plant-based journey.

You’ll see why these wellness warriors prove there are so many other ways to enjoy eating plant-based foods.

Sweet Potato Soul

Jenne Claiborne learned how to cook deeply satisfying food from her grandmother, but this YouTube star does it with a vegan twist.

I made her sweet potato home fries (below), and they were delish.

One of the most popular vegan bloggers on the internet, Claiborne has introduced thousands of people to plant-based eating.

If you’re looking for practical ways to add flavor and technique to plant-based meals, Claiborne can show you how.

Her recent cookbook Sweet Potato Soul 100 Easy Vegan Recipes is a staple in my kitchen.

Check Out:

Try this:   Ultimate Vegan Burrito Bowl




Natasha “Chef Beee” Brewley

D. Natasha Brewley, also known as Chef Beee, lost 70 lbs and overcame high blood pressure on a plant-based diet.   

After experiencing her own personal journey, she set out to teach others the abundant power of holistic living.

Chef Beee is my go-to for great raw plant-based recipes, and she ups the flavor and healing potential of her dishes by infusing them with certified pure essential oils.

The result is simply luscious and even life-altering.

Check Out:

Try this:  Chef Beee’s Kick-ass Essential oil infused Vegan Lasagna.


Chef Beee is a Plant-Based All Star


Bryant Terry 

I remember the first time I picked up Bryant Terry’s’ cookbook, Vegan Soul Kitchen, a tribute to Southern, Afro-American, and Caribbean food.  I was immediately smitten.

Terry highlighted his recipes with titles of hip hop, soul, and jazz-infused songs.

Talk about setting the mood in the kitchen!  No wonder his food has a lyrical, uplifting quality.

Also widely respected for his activism to create a healthy, sustainable food system, Terry has gone on to write several more books, including his latest, Vegetable Kingdom, the abundant world of vegan recipes. 

Check out:

Try this:  citrus-and-garlic-herb-braised-fennel



Kris Carr

When Kris Carr’s revolutionary movie Crazy Sexy Cancer hit the screen more than ten years ago, I was flat on my back, dealing with health challenges.

She was one of the first bloggers to start promoting a plant-based diet and spiritual health.

Her blog became my lifeline, and even today, I still read it for her best-friend advice mixed with a science-backed approach.

Check Out:

Try this:  Kris’ vegan red velvet cheesecake recipe


Badass Vegan

I’m a sucker for a good affirmation, and John Lewis, also known as Badass Vegan, always has a quick quote ready to inspire or challenge his readers to think and do better.

A former Division 1 college basketball player, Lewis became a vegan after his mother was diagnosed with colon cancer.

His frank, in your face vibe, fills up his Instagram page, shining a light on issues such as the lack of plant-based foods in communities of color.

He’s currently working on his first full-length feature film,  Hungry for Justice, a joint project with the maker of the groundbreaking documentary What’s the Health.  

Check Out:



The Plant Based MD

I just recently discovered The Plant Based MD, and I’m glad I did.

Dr. Judy Brangman, affectionately called The Plant Based MD, has an easy-going manner that makes it fun to learn about health and how to add more whole foods to your diet.

She is a board-certified internal medicine and lifestyle medicine physician.  Her passion for nutrition and wellness makes her a standout in the pill-dispensing medical profession.

Click on her Facebook page, and you might catch her cooking and chatting it up with her followers, dispensing simple strategies for making plant-based foods a normal way of life.

Check Out:

A Plant-Based All Star


I hoped you’ve enjoyed my list of 6 plant-based all-stars.

Hopefully, they’ll help you realize that you don’t have to go on this journey alone.  And if there’s someone you follow, let me know in the comments below.


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Tasneem Ansariyah Grace
Tasneem Ansariyah Grace
3 years ago

WHEW!! How did you know I needed this?! Today was one of those days when chips seemed to call my name. On repeat. In a sultry, soothing voice. I caved a bit and then I read this blog. Cassandra, this information helps me build a merry band of community who humanize the efforts to prioritize health and sustain joy in preparing and eating plant-powered foods. Thank you for your story, your support, your guidance and your introduction to others who believe as you believe: that the Good Earth heals us. I tasted my power with this post, sis. Many thanks… Read more »

Cassandra Finch
Reply to  Tasneem Ansariyah Grace
3 years ago

My sister Tasneem, I’m so glad that these light leaders provided a little uplift and guidance. Yes, the good earth heals us and provides a lot of helpers who can direct us just when we need it. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and let’s continue to make our bodies strong and healthy with plant-based foods. Love you more than you know.

Cassandra Finch is a plant-based educator who helps non-cooks and food lovers of all kinds find the motivation to add more vegetables to every meal.  

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