Return to the True You


Change is hard for me.

That’s why I try to force myself to do uncomfortable things.

Like the time I jumped out of a plane when I didn’t want to.

I literally knew I was facing death. 

Yeah, sure I read the stats:  According to the United States Parachuting Association, there is only a 0.006 chance of dying from the sport.  I wondered what if I became exactly that: a stat.

But the thought of who and what I would become after the jump far more intrigued me.  

I knew I would be stronger, more confident and frankly freer in thought and spirit than ever before.

So, I harnessed up, listened intently to my tandem instructor and edged closer to the airplane door.

That’s when I nearly forgot everything, he taught me.  I forgot to pull the cord.  Fortunately, he didn’t.

Once I gained my breath and got over the miraculous feeling of being suspended in the sky, I thought about completing other things that seemed nearly impossible a few minutes before. 

My mind held endless possibilities of future horizons and dreams to conquer.

In other words, we sometimes have to burst through our fears to make change happen. 

It’s either change or die.  And I decided that not changing was a slow death in itself.

What are your solutions to overcoming your fears?  I want to hear them all.  Do you stick to something simple or do you like to push the edge?  Share in the comments.


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Cassandra Finch is a plant-based educator who helps non-cooks and food lovers of all kinds find the motivation to add more vegetables to every meal.  

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