
My 6 Plant-based All Stars that you should follow
My 6 Plant-based All Stars that you should follow

Excuse me if I’m a little captivated by my hotlist of 6 plant-based all-stars who have broken barriers in the whole foods world. Their mouth-watering recipes and willingness to champion a healthy, sustainable lifestyle will give you plenty of motivation to stay on our...

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You Better Werk that Meal Calendar!
You Better Werk that Meal Calendar!

Meal prep even when you're stuck inside.  I see you with those yoga pants, t-shirt, and bushy eyebrows. Yes, if you're like me, all this self-isolation from COVID-19 has taken a toll on your appearance. I too have settled into a rhythm of what I call nouveau leisure....

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4 Tips to Help You Eat Vegetables All the Time
4 Tips to Help You Eat Vegetables All the Time

If you've ever done a Google search on how to eat vegetables consistently, you're bound to find plenty of experts who say meal prep is the answer or others who swear by juicing. I admit that meal prepping a whole week's worth of vegetables has never turned me on, and...

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Why You Should Take Your Tech off the Table
Why You Should Take Your Tech off the Table

Raise your hand if you feel me on this one: Constantly checking your email, Facebook page, or whatever the latest update is on your phone while you’re eating.  I  notice when I do this, I don’t entirely enjoy my meal. Come on, should we really be texting and enjoying...

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My Herbal Morning Smoothie Recipe
My Herbal Morning Smoothie Recipe

When I made this smoothie in advance to store in the fridge overnight, my heart, my brain, even my tummy, seemed to say, "We want this NOW!" Another 8 hours seemed too long. It tasted that good. I always like to dunk a few herbs in my smoothies. It gives them a more...

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Return to the True You
Return to the True You

Change is hard for me. That's why I try to force myself to do uncomfortable things. Like the time I jumped out of a plane when I didn’t want to. I literally knew I was facing death.  Yeah, sure I read the stats:  According to the United States Parachuting Association,...

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Cassandra Finch is a plant-based educator who helps non-cooks and food lovers of all kinds find the motivation to add more vegetables to every meal.  

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